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Moving In

If you have come this far, it means that it is almost time for congratulations!  However, there are a few items that we have left to discuss.

The final inspection process: The final inspection typically takes place a day before, or the day of the closing.  You will visit the property to verify that all is in working order, and that everything is the same as when you last viewed the home.

We will then provide a list of useful numbers for the activation of home services, utilities and vendors you may need after the closing occurs.

The closing agent, Escrow closer, will provide all parties involved with a settlement statement, which summarizes and details the financial transactions enacted in the process. You and the seller will sign this statement, as well as the closing agent, certifying its accuracy.

We are so excited to be a part of this incredible process with you, and upon closing, the time to celebrate begins!

We are very excited for the opportunity to work with you.  Please call (206) 351-3509 or Click Here to visit our Contact Us page.