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Your Fall Maintenance Checklist

As temperatures cool down and the leaves begin to fall, it’s important to get your home prepared for the cold winter months. Here are a few home maintenance to-dos that will have your home ready to take on the chilly season with no worries.

1. Check Smoke Detectors, Fire Extinguishers, and First Aid Kits
Check the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms and change the batteries. Fire extinguishers and first-aid kits should be readily available.

2. Inspect Heating System
Contact a professional to inspect your heating systems, change filters, and take other measures to prevent house fires.

3. Inspect The Roof
Fall is the perfect time to call a roofing-professional to inspect your roof and ensure that there are no loose shingles that may cause leaks. Don’t forget the gutters!

4. Chimney and Fireplace
Have your chimney swept to ensure that all of the soot is removed to avoid any health hazards.

5. Prep Lawn and Garden for The Winter
It is important to rake leaves regularly as they can kill your grass if left on the ground for long periods of time. Cut down any dead branches. Disconnect the garden hose from outdoor faucets and store them coiled in a flat dry area.